Palm trees are an icon of Southern California architecture and lifestyle. But without proper maintenance, their curb appeal soon turns into an eyesore. We’re experienced in palm tree trimming, skinning, and removal professionals with all the right equipment.
Rancho Tree Care provides affordable palm tree trimming and removal services to all Sherman Oaks, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Santa Clarita, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks
The Why
With ordinary deciduous trees, spring growth returns them to pretty much the same appearance. And evergreens such as pine and cypress hardly change at all over the year. But as palm trees reach for the sky old fronds remain. They’re ugly, a fire hazard, and pose a risk of accidents. Homeowners and business owners are likely to be held liable for any damage those heavy, sharp fronds might cause to vehicles and pedestrians.
Our trimming and skinning services eliminate dead and dying fronds to restore the best in appearance and safety. We’re also experienced in palm tree removal if an old tree is putting your property at risk or if you’re planning an amenity that covers its spot.
The When
Without clear seasons, palm tree trimming and skinning can be
The How
Water movement in palms is more like grass than any other type of tree. That and many other factors need to be understood for proper care. Otherwise there can be long-lasting damage.
We have the training, experience, and equipment to do the job right, and take all the appropriate safety measures. After a consultation to determine your needs, goals, and priorities along with a tree inspection, we can determine the proper services. Costs vary with height and condition, with regular trimming making each trim less costly.

Palm Tree Trimming
Just like other trees and landscaping, palms need regular maintenance for the best appearance and health. We’ll remove seeds and dead fronds. Trimming can remove as much as 90% of old fronds, leaving only 2-3. Or we can leave your palm more full but better structured. It’s your choice.
Besides appearance, trimming eliminates the fire and accident hazards and leaves the palm less top-heavy. Plus with more sun and air the tree will be healthier. And there will be fewer hiding places for rodents and insects.

Palm Tree Skinning
Sometimes called skimming, skinning removes the rough webbing of “skin” left behind by years of trimming. With careful removal to avoid damaging the soft inner part of the trunk we restore the classic look of a smoother and more even texture.

Palm Tree Removal
Tree removal, cutting down to the stump, is straightforward but a bit hazardous. Special precautions are necessary to protect buildings, utility lines, and workers. Stump removal is an additional task and charge. In providing an estimate we’ll include any need for a rope down (necessary to clear nearby buildings and lines), and haul-away mileage.
Why Ranchos
We’re the local palm tree service professionals that keep your budget in mind. Family owned and operated we’ve been satisfying customers for over 28 years with fast, efficient services. We’re BBB accredited and all our employees are well trained.
Do You Know?
Only Fan Palms are native to southern California. So most types need maintenance since they’re out of their natural habitat. The most common California Palms include “Washington” and “Phoenix.” Other types include date, king, pygmy, queen, and windmill palms.